Allergy & Immunology
- Reason for hiring?
- If replacing departing physician reason for departure?
- How many physicians have left group in past 10 years?
- Reasons for departure(s)
- What is standard office hours, evenings, and weekends?
- How many patients per hour or day does group currently see?
- What is primary service area size? ___________ Secondary _______
- How many competing specialist are in area? _______ Primary referral source __________
- Is there a computer/printer in patient room's?
- Is patient information available on-line?
- Does the group have a technology manager on-site?
- Do Services Include: PFT _______ Niox FENO ________ in-house nasal endoscopy _______ Skin testing _______Rush immunotherapy ______ cluster immunotherapy _______ patch testing food _________ patch testing chemical _____ Methacholine challenges _______ exercise challenges _______Drug testing and challenges ______ food challenges ______ immune evaluations __________Xolair administration ________ PCN testing __________ Food allergy oral desensitization _________ success rate ____
- Does group own its office building? ______Is ownership in office building available? _________
- Total square feet of office space PAYER MIX Medicare % _________ Medicaid % ________ Private Ins %________Self Pay % ________ Other % __________________
- Overhead Percentage Excluding Physician income:
- Number of employee's _________ # P.A.'s. _______ #RNP's___________ # M.A.'s_______ Other support personnel ___________________________________________________
- Are there any spouses or relatives involved in the practice? If yes describe relationship capacity, & duties
- Describe travel to other locations
- Base Salary range _____________________ Bonus structure ______________________
- Is partnership available? _____________ When offered _____________
- How will Buy-in amount be determined? _______________________________________
- How are patients to be assigned? ____________________________________________
- Do you have a contract ready to present to a candidate? ______ yes______ no
- Tenure of current administrator
- What activities will new physician are expected to do in order to build a practice?
- Name the top three advantages of joining this practice?
- What are the disadvantages that may be perceived by candidates?
- Reason for hiring?
- History of group, year founded, additions and departures
- What is average patent volume
- Preferred/expected scheduling volume for new physician?
- What is primary service area size? ___________ secondary
- How many competing specialist are in primary area?
- Describe types of lasers, cosmetic procedures, products offered:
- Describe P.A./N.P. extenders job duties and volume produced:
- Number of FTE's_________ # P.A.'s. _______ #RNP's___________ In-house billing _____
- Does group have MOHS surgical set up?_______ Number of MOHS procedures ___________
- Does group have in-house pathology lab? __________ Slide volume? __________________
- Does group do its own dermatopathology? ______ employ pathologist? ________ # days ______
- Does group own office its building? __________ Will ownership be available? _____________
- Total square feet of office space ________________________________________________
- Number and type of exam rooms _______________________________________________
- Number and type of procedure room's ___________________________________________
- Does the group have E.M.R? Yes _____ No _____
- Describe travel to other locations _______________________________________________
- Salary Range ________________________Bonus formula __________________________
- Is partnership available? _______ % equity available __________ if yes after how long? _______
- Partnership income is/will be distributed by what formula? _____________________________
- How are existing versus new patients to be assigned? _________________________________
- Is there an employment agreement prepared? Yes ______No ______
- Does group have an operating agreement? Yes _____ No ______
- Cell phone numbers for key contacts in group. _____________________________________
- Tenure of current administrator ______________________________________________
- What activities will new physician are expected to do in order to build a practice?
- Name the top three advantages of joining this practice?
- What will be the perceived disadvantages?
- Reason for hiring?
- History of group, year founded, mergers, additions, departures?
- Average number or range of clinic patients scheduled per physician per week?
- Back door and/or cell numbers:
- Is the employment contract ready to present to candidate? Yes: ________ No: _________
- How many competing specialist are in primary area? ______________________________
- ANCILLARY REVENUE: Does group own endoscopy center? _____ yes _____ no
- Describe Hospital rounding and call coverage:
- PAYER MIX Medicare % _________ Medicaid % ________ Private Ins %________
- Overhead Percentage Excluding Physician income? _______________________________
- COMPENSATION: Base Salary minimum ________________ maximum ______________
- Describe travel to other locations:
- Number and type of employees:
- Top 3 advantages to joining the practice?
- What will be the perceived disadvantage?
- Current number of procedures performed by physician(s) per week?
- Is ERCP required or preferred? _____________________________ is EUS required? ___
- Would you like sample employment contracts to review? Yes: ________ No: _________
- Is ownership in endo facility available for candidate hired? _____ yes _____ no.
- Does group have in-house pathology lab? _____ yes _____ no
- Does group employ in-house pathologist? _____ yes _____no
- Does group employ in-house anesthesia? _____ yes _____no
- Does group own its office building? _______ Total square feet of space: ________________
- Is ownership in office building available for new hires? ____ yes ____ no.
- Number and type of exam/procedure room’s
- Current EMR type and stage?
- Primary Hospital Other Hospitals
- How are extenders utilized in office or in hospital?
- Payer-Mix
- Is partnership available? Time to partnership?
- What is buy-in based on?
- Is partnership revenue distributed equally or based on production?
- Are there any spouses or relatives involved in the practice?
- If yes describe relationship capacity & duties.
- Reason for hiring?
- History of group: year founded additions and departures.
- Daily Office Visits ________ Daily Inpatient _________ Weekly Procedures ________
- What is the primary service area size? ____________________ secondary _________
- How many competing specialist are in the area? ______________________________
- Does the group own a sleep lab? ___________ # beds? _______
- Clinical Space square feet ________#general exam rooms _____# treatment rooms _____
- Is EMR installed? _______ What type & stage? _______________________________
- Does group own office its building? Yes _____ No ______
- Is ownership in ASC available? Yes _____ No_______
- Call arrangements weekdays ___________________ Weekends __________________
- Medicare % _________ Medicaid % ________ BC/BS %________
- Overhead percentage exclusive of physician income? ___________
- Number of FTE’s_______ #P.A.’s ______ #RNP’s ______ In-house billers ______ Others:
- Are there spouses/relatives working in the practice?
- Is Yes, duties and responsibilities?
- Administrator / office manager tenure?
- Describe what activities a new physician is expected to perform to build practice?
- Describe travel to other offices/hospitals?
- What are top 3 advantages to joining the practice?
- What sub-specialty training is desired? __________________________________
- What sub-specialty training is NOT desired? ______________________________
- How are patients to be assigned? ______________________________________
- Is there an employment agreement ready to present to a candidate?
- Minimum salary ____________________ Maximum salary __________________
- Main Procedures or Surgeries Required
- Balance Lab? _______CT scanner? ____________ Type __________________ Audiology? ______ Hearing aids? ______ Skin testing and immunotherapy? _____
- Does group perform/have Facial plastics?
- Type of laser/equipment __Videostroboscopy ________ other equipment
- Other services offered?
- Is ownership in ancillary revenues available for candidate hired? Yes _____ no _____
- Is ownership in office building available for new hires? Yes _____ No ______
- Term to partnership? What is buy-in based on?
- Benefits provided